In a short, unanimous opinion, the New York Appellate Division, First Department, affirmed a trial court’s ruling that genuine issues of fact precluded it from granting summary judgment to a reinsurer or the plaintiff-cedents in a long-running dispute between them. The case involves Everest Reinsurance Company’s obligation to reimburse various cedents for a settlement entered into under certain facultatively reinsured policies. Everest Re asserted various defenses, including whether the loss is covered by the certificate at issue and whether the settlement entered into was reasonable and made in good faith. The cedents argued that Everest Re is bound to honor the billings under the follow the settlements doctrine. The Appellate Division held that the record before it presented “numerous issues of fact” regarding the settlement entered into by the cedents, and, specifically, the issue of good faith, “none of which are susceptible to resolution on summary judgment.” National Union of Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh v. Everest Reinsurance Co., Index No. 602485/06 (N.Y. App Div., 1st Dep’t, Nov. 5, 2015).
This post written by Rob DiUbaldo.
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