In HIH v. JLT Risk Solutions Ltd., [2006] EWHC 485 (Comm. Mar. 15, 2006) the High Court discussed circumstances under which a broker owes an insured a duty to advise it of facts material to the risk which occur after the placement of the insurance.
Brokers / Underwriters
UK – broker’s post-placement duty
In HIH v. JLT Risk Solutions Ltd., [2006] EWHC 485 (Comm. Mar. 15, 2006) the High Court discussed circumstances under which a broker owes an insured a duty to advise it of facts material to the risk which occur after the placement of the insurance.
UK – duty of sub-broker to an insured
In BP PLC v. AON Limited, [2006] EWHC 424 (Comm. Mar. 12, 2006), the UK High Court of Justice discussed the circumstances under which a sub-broker owes a duty of care to the insured in the declaration of projects to effect insurance under an open cover arrangement.
UK – Lloyd’s underwriters have right to documents
The UK Court of Appeal has held that a Llloyd's underwriter who returned to their insured's broker all of the documents shown to them in the placing of reinsurance and making claims have a right to view those documents when needed, despite the lack of contractual privity between them. Goshawk Dedicated Ltd. v. Tsyler & Co., [2006] EWCA Civ 54 (Feb. 7, 2006).
UK – Lloyd's underwriters have right to documents
The UK Court of Appeal has held that a Llloyd's underwriter who returned to their insured's broker all of the documents shown to them in the placing of reinsurance and making claims have a right to view those documents when needed, despite the lack of contractual privity between them. Goshawk Dedicated Ltd. v. Tsyler & Co., [2006] EWCA Civ 54 (Feb. 7, 2006).