In a coverage dispute involving an insurance policy covering a limestone quarry, a court reviewed the insurer’s documents related to reinsurance coverage, and denied the insured’s motion to compel. While the court agreed with the insured that the insurer’s reinsurance coverage was “clearly relevant” to the dispute, the specific discovery requests sought only “information relating to communications and documents exchanged between [the insurer] and any reinsurer.” Because the documents that the insurer had withheld from production to the insured were “internal documents” between the insurer and its underwriter, and not materials “exchanged” with a reinsurer, the documents were “not responsive” and the court denied the motion to compel. Continental Material Corp. v. Affiliated FM Insurance Co., Case No. 10-cv-02900 (USDC D. Colo. July 30, 2012).
This post written by Michael Wolgin.
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